Iceland ProCruises Catalogue 2024

30 DAY | KANGERLUSSUAQ Charter ight from Ke avik to Kangerlussuaq. The SEAVENTURE anchors o Kangerlussuaq and embarkation is conducted via our Zodiac boats (don’t forget your rain clothes). The ship departs in the evening. DAY | QEQERTARSUAQ The small town of Qeqertarsuaq is on the south side of the Disco Island, The Danish name of the settlement is godhavn, which translates to “Good Harbour”. The name is due to the favorable location and abundance of whales attributed to the bay. DAY | ILULISSAT Our next stop is Ilulissat, which means “iceberg” in Greenlandic. And with good reason, as the town is located at the mouth of the iceberg- lled Ilulissat Ice Fjord. Delight in the thunderous spectacle when icebergs break o from Sermeq Kujalleq glacier and plunge into the ord. DAY | SISIMIUT With approx. 5,600 inhabitants, Sisimiut is the second largest town in Greenland. It is a modern settlement that maintains ancient traditions. The shing industry still plays an important role. DAY | NUUK Nuuk is the capital of Greenland and its oldest town. Founded in 1728 by Danish-Norwegian missionary Hans Egede, the city combines Arctic traditions and European urbanity. With around 16,000 inhabitants, Nuuk is considered a modern, bustling metropolis compared to the rest of Greenland. DAY | IKKA FJORD The underwater world is like no other, it contains a forest of remarkable mineral columns growing on the seabed. The columns formed over 10,000 years ago of the extremely rare mineral Ikait. Disko Bay Adventure & East Greenland From majestic glaciers and icebergs floating in deep-blue water to the island’s unique indigenous wildlife, the natural wonders of Greenland are the stars of this soft adventure voyage. Whales and seals often accompany the SEAVENTURE, while musk ox graze ashore. NATURAL WONDERS OF GREENLAND TOUR II Impressive glaciers Hiking in Ilulissat Photo: Peter Neumann Photo: Erwin Neu